Words used in Beyonce's lyrics
These are lyrics from many or Beyonce's songs. They were scraped from lyrics123.net by Rahul Bhargava in 2014.
Here is a picture of the words used most often in your document. Words used more often are bigger, and ones used less often are smaller. This picture, called a "word cloud", is helpful to get a sense of the most used words in a document.
Top Words
Word | Frequency |
â | 985 |
i'm | 805 |
love | 641 |
ã | 554 |
oh | 537 |
like | 497 |
know | 480 |
baby | 389 |
go | 354 |
let | 330 |
got | 325 |
see | 290 |
get | 276 |
'cause | 248 |
wanna | 234 |
ain't | 219 |
feel | 211 |
want | 207 |
time | 202 |
ya | 194 |
bigram | Frequency |
â ã | 529 |
ã â | 471 |
i can | 187 |
if you | 187 |
i know | 171 |
i love | 169 |
and i | 168 |
oh oh | 153 |
i don't | 153 |
that i | 151 |
to the | 146 |
let me | 139 |
love you | 139 |
in the | 137 |
you i | 131 |
to me | 128 |
with you | 125 |
i can't | 118 |
â â | 115 |
love to | 113 |
trigram | Frequency |
â ã â | 446 |
ã â ã | 119 |
â â ã | 111 |
oh oh oh | 94 |
i love you | 83 |
go go go | 81 |
to the left | 80 |
you must not | 80 |
must not know | 80 |
not know 'bout | 80 |
know 'bout me | 80 |
eh eh eh | 68 |
i know that | 66 |
lost yo mind | 66 |
beyoncã â ã | 61 |
the left to | 60 |
left to the | 60 |
i don't wanna | 59 |
love to me | 58 |
you are my | 53 |
What do I do next?
Examining text data in this quantitative way can help you find stories to tell in your data. The fact that "â" is a popular word is good to know, but combine that with the 3 uses in the top 40 bigrams, and the 5 uses in the top 40 trigrams, to understand the context of how it is used. With that richer understanding of the context, you can sketch out a picture of why "â" is so important in Beyonce's lyrics.
So grab some paper and some crayons and start drawing what you see! Check out our activity guide for more help on sketching out a story. Want to dig into the data more? Download all the word counts, bigrams, or trigrams and investigate why "that's" is used 190 times!
Try these other tools to do more full-fledged analysis: